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Open-air Cinema free in Rome! OVS movies

posted by admin in General, Have fun

For those who love cinema, this summer offers the excellent opportunity to enjoy some of the most unforgettable movies for free and in their open-air cinema. If you go for a walk to Villa Borghese in the afternoon, then you can easily take a break and head to the Casa del Cinema, where you can also fancy a drink in the garden. The movies are all displayed in the original language with italian subtitles. The Casa del Cinema in Rome has planed a different theme for each day of the week:

  • Monday: Shakespeare which such movies as: A midsummer night’s sex comedy of Woody Allen and Giulio Cesare with Marlon Brando.
  • Tuesday: Ciao Maschio: italian movies featuring the new generation of actors
  • Wednesday: Tribute to the italian director Michelangelo Antonioni
  • Thursday: Films with leading ladies, evening dedicated to the women: Yentle with Barbra Streitsand, Victor Victoria with Julie Andrews, Boy’s don’t cry with Hillary Swank
  • Friday: Dance movies like: Billy Elliot, Top Hat with Fred Astaire, Tango of Carlos Saura.
  • Saturday: closed.
  • Sunday: Universal Pictures and Paramount films: The legendary Hollywood Sunset Boulevard with Gloria Swanson, The war of the worlds of Orson Welles, We’re not angels with Humprey Bogart.

To see the full program:

When: From the 3rd of july until the 29th of august. The showings usually start at 21:00 or 21:30.

Where: Casa del Cinema, Largo Marcello Mastroianni, 1, entrance at Piazzale del Brasile

How to arrive: BUS 490 – 491 – 495 – C3 – 88 – 95 – 116

METRO Linea A:  Barberini (closest), Spain, Flaminio


Rainbow MagicLand

posted by admin in Have fun

Rainbow MagicLand  is the new attractions park situated just outside Rome. The park covers an area of ​​600,000 square meters and can compete with the major Italian amusement parks.
The park has been thought for all the family and its main theme is magic: it will be like being in a fairyland, among the fairy castles in the park you will meet fearsome Vikings, magical fairies, powerful wizards and the bravest adventurers.
Rainbow MagicLand offers more than 30 attractions for all tastes (partly powered with solar panels) Mystika, Shock and Cagliostro are only for the bravest while water games are dedicated to everyone. The amusement park is divided into several areas, each inspired to the characters of the Rainbow Group like: Winx fairies, Monster Allergy, adventurer Huntik and Pop Pixie.
Rainbow MagicLand is part of the Integrated Tourist Centre of Rome, along with the Fashion District Outlet.

Tickets: Season 2012

Full price: 35 €
Reduced ticket: 28 € (children between 100 and 150cm)
Evening ticket (after 18): 20 €
Free ticket: Children under one meter height

Times and openings: Rainbow MagicLand open March 31.
Open weekends from April to October.
Open from April 21 to September 16 from 10:00 – 18:00 (10:00 to 23:00 during July and August.)

Getting there:

BY CAR: Motorway A1 Roma-Napoli: Coming from the north exit at Valmontone; Coming from the south exit at Colleferro. Follow the signs to: Valmontone Fashion District Outlet – Rainbow MagicLand amusement park. The park has a parking fee.

The Capitoline Geese

posted by admin in Curiosity

Among the Seven Hills of Rome, the Capitol is certainly the most famous, known as the nerve cente of daily life in ancient Rome. Someone may not know that this hill is also the home of many events where historical and legendary protagonists meet.
One of the most popular legends of Rome refers to the sacred geese living on the Capitol Hill, in the temple dedicated to the mother of the gods.
The story goes that in 390 b. C., when Rome was fighting against the invasion of the Gauls, Roman citizens who were in town had to face hunger and isolation, and the soldiers who guarded The City had no other place to spend the night but the temple of Juno.
One night a former consul Marcus Manlius, who was sleeping together with the army, he heard the geese honking, immediately got up and ran to the walls of the fortress and found one of the Gauls who tried to climb the rock of the hill, confronted him and tore his fingers. Meanwhile, the geese who kept squawking, woke the whole army, which finally defeated the invaders.

The best Ice Cream in Rome

posted by admin in Food, General, Have fun

Ecco perchè mettere on line le proprie fotoWhy use Online Photo Sharing is better

posted by admin in Photos

CommonCraft has created an effective video in which explains the advantages of sharing photos online.
Very often without thinking about leaving the only available copy of our cherished photos in our computer, ignoring the fact that a disk can break and sometimes it is impossible to recover the data.

Last June my laptop was stolen,  I lost all the pictures of the last 4 or 5 holidays, including Santo Domingo and New York.

It ‘been so sad to say that my photos of our vacation… no longer existed, especially to her… she loves, and asked me, the old classic paper photo album!
… I had to promise that we would be back soon to New York to shoot again the photos!
Whether New York or Rome is… the advice is to save your photos online using services like Flickr 

Podcast e Turismo… è solo l’inizio!

posted by admin in General

i pod

Sempre più di frequente ci si imbatte in turisti che girano la città con il naso all’insù, con le cuffiette alle orecchie tenendo fra le mani il loro ipod o un palm di ultima generazione
dove hanno preventivamente scaricato i migliori podcast turistici sulla città.

In rete ormai sono disponibili molte utili audio guide turistiche di Roma, solitamente scaricabili anche in un comune (ma recente) telefono cellulare.

Fra le tante scelte a pagamento… segnaliamo una buona risorsa gratuita:

Guide di Roma – e Mercedes-Benz
(Colosseo, Pantheon, Circo Massimo, Fontana d i Trevi, Bocca della Verità – disponibili in Italiano, Inglese e Spagnolo)

Ormai l’evoluzione tecnologica del telefono cellulare è arrivata ad un punto in cui su questi dispositivi è possibile scaricare di tutto, dalle mappe della città ai migliori indirizzi di ristoranti scovati in rete, già ora si trovano modelli che integrano il navigatore GPS e la possibilità di connettersi alle reti internet Wi-Fi (quelle senza fili per intenderci), senza dimenticare la possibilità di scattare foto e fare video di buona qualità.

A Roma è attualmente possibile connettersi alla Rete pubblica Wi-Fi nel parco di Villa Borghese e in molti altri posizioni del centro storico (la mappa degli Hot Spot).

More and more frequently encounters tourists who visit the city using Ipod and mobile phone support where they previously downloaded the best podcast tour of the city.

In internet are now available lots of useful audio tour guides of Rome, usually downloadable in a common (but recent) mobile phones.

Among the many choices fee … Recommend a good resource for free:

Guide di Roma – e Mercedes-Benz
Colosseum, Pantheon, Circo Massimo, Fontana di Trevi, Mouth of Truth – available in Italian, English and Spanish)

Now the technological evolution of the mobile phones came to a point where these devices can download everything from maps of the city’s best restaurants addresses found on the net, there are models that integrate GPS navigation and the ability to connect to networks Wi-Fi (wireless ones for instance), not to mention the opportunity to take pictures and make videos of good quality.

In Rome is now possible to connect to the network public Wi-Fi in the park of Villa Borghese and in many other positions of the city centre (Hot Spot Map).

Dal rosso Trevi alla quadricromia…From Trevi Red to four color…

posted by admin in General

Graziano Cecchini, autore della ormai nota opera d’arte futurista ‘La Fontana di Trevi in Rosso’, si ripropone con Trinità dei Monti nell’opera che potremmo chiamare ‘Piazza di Spagna… che palle’, ieri infatti ha liberato circa mezzo milione di palline colorante giù per la più famosa scalinata di Roma.
Graziano Cecchini, author of the popular work of art futurist ‘The Fountain of Trevi in Red’, again with Trinità dei Monti in which we could call ‘Square Spain … That balls’, yesterday it has released nearly half a million balls dye down to the most famous Spanish Steps in Rome.


Cecchini prima di seguire gli agenti di polizia per gli accertamenti di rito trova il tempo di spiegare alla stampa, tempestivamente accorsa, le ragioni della sua opera d’arte (vaghe denuncie sociali) ed i suoi ringraziamenti allo sponsor che ha investito 20000 euro in questa operazione… inoltre promette che presto visiterà Parigi!
Divertiti i passanti sopratutto i bambini, meno gli spazzini che hanno dovuto pulire tutto…

Cecchini first to follow the police officers for the findings of ritual takes time to explain to the press, promptly come, the reasons for its artwork (vague complaints social) and his thanks to the sponsors who invested in this 20000 euro operation … Also promises that soon will visit Paris!
Enjoy passers especially children, minus sweepers who have had to clean everything …


Rimane tutto il dubbio sulla legittimità di queste incursioni ‘Futuriste’, anche se bisogna riconoscere queste palline hanno colorato una roma grigia e piovosa regalando un sorriso a tanti passanti, se poi questa è arte non lo sappiamo…

It remains throughout the doubt on the legality of these raids’ Futuriste ‘, although we must recognize these balls have a roma colored gray and rainy giving a smile to many passers. Is this art?


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